Google unveils the Stradia!

Ryan Davis
3 min readMar 20, 2019

As a young kid I was excited about gaming but sadly did not grow up with a console or a proper PC to play many games. I still enjoyed a lot many titles. These days I don’t have time for much gaming beyond the occasional PUBG squad match with my buddies. When Google teased its Stadia controller it mad the whole gaming community curious. I was thinking they will launch a console and how big that can be for Google. Then I thought that if Google was working on a console it wouldn’t be this hush so I was confused. Were they only working on a controller? Because that is what they teased. Anyway, I was waiting for the GDC 2019.

When I saw the stream it blew me away! Google Stadia is a technological answer to something I always dreamt of as a kid. Playing high-end games on a regular PC by streaming it directly off a server. Wow! That sounds like a heck of a product if it actually delivers. It would completely change the way we interact with available game titles.

At the GDC, Phil Harrison from Google announced that once Stadia is available to everyone it would provide the capability that while watching a YouTube video of a gameplay, one could just click on a play button that would appear alongside and with a wait time of around 5 seconds, users will be taken directly into the game to play it.

> No need for any other hardware, no need for any kind of hardware acceleration nor any kind of specific device.

They also demonstrated how the Stadia would support Cross-Platform Play. This simply means that you could be playing on your old tablet on a browser and you could switch to your smartphone and later your TV and it all will happen seamlessly.

The team also talked about how when the Stadia is ready for the masses it will be able to stream gaming titles at 4k, 60 fps and they also said they are working toward streaming it in 8k.

What would be interesting is to see what kind of gaming titles they are going to be working with. Are they going to be lightweight titles or special editions made just for the Stadia?

While demonstrating the gameplay they used Assassins Creed, Civilizations. If that is any indication they should be making top-shelf games available for the Stadia. I don’t know how they are going to work with gaming giants to make games available in this model.

Another interesting thing is the screenshot button on the Stadia controller which allows people to stream their own gameplay directly with the world or just themselves. If I am thinking correctly this will change the way people interact with games and how they play them and upload them. Google has always integrated all its services very well in the past. It is now time to see how they link the gaming and streaming world with the Stadia.

The shroud of mystery still surrounds the working of the Stadia. We don’t know what the final product would be able to do but it seems like it’s worth the wait. It is set to release this year itself in 2019. It would be interesting to see if they come out with a viable product or they just play around with murky information and changing release dates because that is going to destroy the hype that they have built with this conference.



Ryan Davis

Content Marketer & Podcaster. Aspiring minimalist.